Senin, 22 Oktober 2012


Kinds of Eclipse
Solar TsunamiSolar Tsunami - latest news I heard was the solar storm that caused a massive explosion occurred in the last week and said the sun would pose a tsunami threat. The sun emits a very bright and spectacular. Spewing thousands of tons of plasma into atoms and then spread across the planet.Hinggapi Earth that we are threatened by a massive explosion plasma bursts of the Sun. According to observers, this explosion will towards Earth on August 4, 2010, today. The explosion called a coronal mass stoning.
The blast throwing these coronal mass recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO), a spacecraft that launched in February. SDO provides a view of the sun better than HD quality at a specific wavelength. At the time of this coronal mass bursts reach the earth he will interact with the magnetic waves of the earth, and potentially creating a geomagnetic storm. Solar particles stream down the line toward the Earth's poles.

Beware of Tsunami sun! Solar tsunami is expected to take place today Tuesday August 3, 2010. This phenomenon occurs due to a massive explosion the solar atmosphere, really?? I do not know but clearly many foreign websites that proclaim this solar tsunami threat.
Scientists NASA itself issued a warning that a tsunami is not just any tsunami, This is a tsunami that will hit the Earth's sun and feared disrupt communication systems.
Astronomers around the world are watching the Sun, reports there has been an explosion big enough at the weekend. Including of monitors are monitoring station NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Sun's energy burst of tremendous appeared like fireworks on the surface of the Sun. The wave energy towards Planet Earth terpancarkan sebuahtsunami across distances like 93 million miles across space.
As reported by, scientists predict solar tsunami will reach Planet Earth today, Tuesday (03/08/2010). In the region near the Earth's North and South Poles, diperkirakantsunami will produce the phenomenon of Aurora in the sky.
However, the scientists also warn tsunami sun can damage communications satellites are milling around Planet Earth. It is not clear the extent of damage that may be caused.
Based on these predictions, the space agency has tried a number of strategies to prepare for tsunamis sun. Strategies to anticipate the loss of electric power, satellite, and radio frequency that sustains modern society of today.
The sun's rays enter the earth that will be absorbed by existing plants. However, if the earth is not voting (or decreases) the forest or vegetation sunlight falling to earth will be reflected back to the sun through the atmosphere which over time will lead to the ozone layer being perforated (that's what is called the greenhouse effect) and without coating hence ozone sunlight d trima earth that will not be possible anymore in the filter until the earth receives full sun.goal of greening itself is actually to reduce the greenhouse effect and ozone reduces the perforation. because just as that td gw blg that sunlight falling will d absorption by plants.This is the same as we shined the flashlight into the mirror, perform automatic mirror will reflect light rays that right?it is different if we tutp cerminya use fabric, the light from the lamp was not alters the reflected by the mirror. kira2 like that picture.

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