at Pinrang Sights
KabarIndonesia - Tourism is one sector of the economy that can serve as a driving force of development of a region, because of the impact of the relationship (multipliar effect). Sector with other sectors is very high. basically tourism development can take advantage of the location is quite strategic, which is on land transportation routes between Tourism Destination Region (DTW) Makassar and DTW Tana Toraja. Thus, the region for tourists, especially foreign tourists, who will be heading Tana Toraja.
Tourism potential dikabupaten Pinrang, actually quite abundant, but the attractions are, has not been built in accordance with the expectations of tourists or have not managed optimally, due to funding constraints, so it has not been able to contribute significantly to the economic development this.However by Askardin, gradually number of points of attractions in Pinrang continue to be addressed by using funds from the budget, and have not received financial assistance from the center.
Tourism sector in Pinrang, despite minimal government budget Pinrang optimistic Pariwisat sector forward into hope for regional income Pinrang PAD is also a rice granary district in the province.
Some of the attractions that developed in Pinrang, obviously Askardin, there are run by private parties. Through budget allocation Pinrang, seiap year, tourist attraction managed privately assisted pembangunanya expected future, hoping to profit sharing between local government managers with Pinrang.
Generally, the existing tourism potential in Pinrang, are objects of natural and cultural attractions. Attractions that already exist adalahdiantaranya developed at the moment;
1. Hot Water Baths Sulili.
Hot Sulilie sights, a natural bathing inviting warmth million. The pool facilities are available this region, complete comfort in swimming. No wonder if the hot spring is favored by all people of this area and its surroundings. To visit these attractions, visitors can menemuh distance of 5 kilometers aau about 15 minutes drive from the city Pinrang.Lokasinya very easy to reach, as it still is in the city area.
2. Coastal Edge Tape
One of the maritime tourism object is located in the Village Pallameang, Mattiro Sompe District, about 25 km south-west of the city Pinrang. To reach this place journey takes about 20 minutes by road and paved. This area has particularly appeal tersendii, if in the afternoon we can enjoy the cool breeze and the setting sun and the place is visited by the public, especially on holidays.
3. Lemo Hot Milk Baths
Letkanya in Lembang district, about 45 minutes drive north of the city Pinrang. Facilities available in this place, a swimming pool, coltage. If you are in this place, you can enjoy the cool air sera beautiful natural scenery, because the place is located between two mountains. Overland toward Bakaru smooth asphalt plant.
4. Eating Floating.
It is in Malimpung, Patampanua District, about 20 km south-east of the city Pinrang. The place is visited by many people, especially in the afternoon to relax sabil meikmati food and cool air as well as existing fishing didanau.
5. Kamarrang Island.
One of nautical tourism, located in District Suppa. About 30 km south of the city Pinrang. This region is flanked by the sea, making it attractive for the visit. Kamarrang Island is a region facing Pinrang Parepare town, so if we want to cross this kepulau closer when the port Parepare traditional boat ride and only takes about 15 minutes.
6. Waterfall Kalijodoh.
It is located in District Lembang, about 50 miles north Pinrang or 1.5 hours by road. Waterfall has its own charm, because we can enjoy the cold mountain air and beautiful scenery interspersed kemurh waterfall flowing from the mountains.
Kalijodoh Falls also has its own story. The story is still believed to surrounding communities, in antiquity, there was a young couple who managed to build a home for bermunajat at this waterfall.
7. Pallaonromae dance.
Cultures are part of the national culture. As Indonesia as an archipelago, has a diversity of cultures. One is dance. The dance area is part of the national dance. Because part of the cultural treasures of the nation, then, should get their share of the regional culture to be cultivated and preserved.
One of the dances that should be a dance Pinrang community pride, for one, is; Dance Pallaonromae .. This dance tells the life of rice farmers, which is the daily life of people Pinrang.
Vast expanse of paddy fields stretching, a group of young men down kesawah. With tools hoe, they began working on their fields, then irrigate, sow rice seeds and menyemaikannya, to keep the rice from attack sparrows.
Dance movements accompanied by the beat of drums, blowing harp and flute passage and coupled with lantungan meongpalo song, which is a typical song of the pa'galung (rice farmers), the expression of dance that illustrates flicker of excitement.
The dance expresses Pallaonromae motion martial arts, playing kite and sift the newly harvested rice, a picture of excitement, when the harvest season comes. The excitement is manifested in Ma'padendang as a sign of gratitude to Allah SWT. (*)
KabarIndonesia - Tourism is one sector of the economy that can serve as a driving force of development of a region, because of the impact of the relationship (multipliar effect). Sector with other sectors is very high. basically tourism development can take advantage of the location is quite strategic, which is on land transportation routes between Tourism Destination Region (DTW) Makassar and DTW Tana Toraja. Thus, the region for tourists, especially foreign tourists, who will be heading Tana Toraja.
Tourism potential dikabupaten Pinrang, actually quite abundant, but the attractions are, has not been built in accordance with the expectations of tourists or have not managed optimally, due to funding constraints, so it has not been able to contribute significantly to the economic development this.However by Askardin, gradually number of points of attractions in Pinrang continue to be addressed by using funds from the budget, and have not received financial assistance from the center.
Tourism sector in Pinrang, despite minimal government budget Pinrang optimistic Pariwisat sector forward into hope for regional income Pinrang PAD is also a rice granary district in the province.
Some of the attractions that developed in Pinrang, obviously Askardin, there are run by private parties. Through budget allocation Pinrang, seiap year, tourist attraction managed privately assisted pembangunanya expected future, hoping to profit sharing between local government managers with Pinrang.
Generally, the existing tourism potential in Pinrang, are objects of natural and cultural attractions. Attractions that already exist adalahdiantaranya developed at the moment;
1. Hot Water Baths Sulili.
Hot Sulilie sights, a natural bathing inviting warmth million. The pool facilities are available this region, complete comfort in swimming. No wonder if the hot spring is favored by all people of this area and its surroundings. To visit these attractions, visitors can menemuh distance of 5 kilometers aau about 15 minutes drive from the city Pinrang.Lokasinya very easy to reach, as it still is in the city area.
2. Coastal Edge Tape
One of the maritime tourism object is located in the Village Pallameang, Mattiro Sompe District, about 25 km south-west of the city Pinrang. To reach this place journey takes about 20 minutes by road and paved. This area has particularly appeal tersendii, if in the afternoon we can enjoy the cool breeze and the setting sun and the place is visited by the public, especially on holidays.
3. Lemo Hot Milk Baths
Letkanya in Lembang district, about 45 minutes drive north of the city Pinrang. Facilities available in this place, a swimming pool, coltage. If you are in this place, you can enjoy the cool air sera beautiful natural scenery, because the place is located between two mountains. Overland toward Bakaru smooth asphalt plant.
4. Eating Floating.
It is in Malimpung, Patampanua District, about 20 km south-east of the city Pinrang. The place is visited by many people, especially in the afternoon to relax sabil meikmati food and cool air as well as existing fishing didanau.
5. Kamarrang Island.
One of nautical tourism, located in District Suppa. About 30 km south of the city Pinrang. This region is flanked by the sea, making it attractive for the visit. Kamarrang Island is a region facing Pinrang Parepare town, so if we want to cross this kepulau closer when the port Parepare traditional boat ride and only takes about 15 minutes.
6. Waterfall Kalijodoh.
It is located in District Lembang, about 50 miles north Pinrang or 1.5 hours by road. Waterfall has its own charm, because we can enjoy the cold mountain air and beautiful scenery interspersed kemurh waterfall flowing from the mountains.
Kalijodoh Falls also has its own story. The story is still believed to surrounding communities, in antiquity, there was a young couple who managed to build a home for bermunajat at this waterfall.
7. Pallaonromae dance.
Cultures are part of the national culture. As Indonesia as an archipelago, has a diversity of cultures. One is dance. The dance area is part of the national dance. Because part of the cultural treasures of the nation, then, should get their share of the regional culture to be cultivated and preserved.
One of the dances that should be a dance Pinrang community pride, for one, is; Dance Pallaonromae .. This dance tells the life of rice farmers, which is the daily life of people Pinrang.
Vast expanse of paddy fields stretching, a group of young men down kesawah. With tools hoe, they began working on their fields, then irrigate, sow rice seeds and menyemaikannya, to keep the rice from attack sparrows.
Dance movements accompanied by the beat of drums, blowing harp and flute passage and coupled with lantungan meongpalo song, which is a typical song of the pa'galung (rice farmers), the expression of dance that illustrates flicker of excitement.
The dance expresses Pallaonromae motion martial arts, playing kite and sift the newly harvested rice, a picture of excitement, when the harvest season comes. The excitement is manifested in Ma'padendang as a sign of gratitude to Allah SWT. (*)
Thanks for your grateful informations, am working in Tourism Portal, so it will be helpful info for my works.