Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

Mengelolah Halaman Isi Web

Checking the information for relevance and currency
Web Design Software
Web design software is a useful software for building / making / designing web pages, whether they are static or dynamic.
Most popular web design software available today include:
  1. Adobe Image Ready,
  2. Macromedia Dreamweaver
  3. Macromedia Fireworks,
  4. Microsoft Frontpage
  5. dan lain sebagainya.

Know Macromedia Dreamweaver MX
Macromedia Dreamweaver, which is one of the most popular web design software is selected as the web design software that will be used in this learning process
Macromedia Dreamweaver chosen for compatibility and support for various web programming languages including: ASP, JSP, CFM, ASP.NET, PHP, JavaScript, CSS and XML

Dreamweaver MX window is divided into 7 parts, namely:
  1. Insert Bar,
  2. Document Toolbar,
  3. Document Window,
  4. Panel Groups,
  5. Tag Selector,
  6. Property Inspector
  7. Files Panel

HTML is the abbreviation of Hyper Text Markup Language has a function to format a plain text document that can be used on the World Wide Web (WWW).
HTML is not a programming language, because it is only a sign (marking up) on a text document and not as a program.

The basic structure of the HTML document contains elements or tags, as shown below:
v  <html> </ html>: defines the text that lies between these two tags are HTML files.
v  <head> </ head>: defines the head of an HTML file.
v  <title> </ title>: defines title to be displayed in a browser.
v  <body> </ body>: defines the text format and want to display as web page content.

Basic text formatting in HTML:
Heading, knowing HTML heading level 6, from 1 (largest) to 6. headings shown with larger font and thicker than normal text
Paragraph, every new paragraph begins with <p>
Lists, HTML support list (list) are not numbered, numbered and definition
Performatted Text, in HTML, spaces, tabs and new line (enter) does not have an impact
Extended Quotations, to make a long quote, so that it protrudes into the inside, used <blockquote> tag.

Replace the line (line breaks), to write a letter address to the short rows, not good if you use tags <p> (space is too wide)
Horizontal line (horizontal rule), to create a horizontal line that is used to limit the parts used <hr> tag.
Formatting characters
<b> or <strong> to make text Bold.
<i> or <em> to make text Italic.
<tt> or <code> to make text Typewriter.

Basic HTML Link
Hyperlink is something very important on the website,
for hyperlinks to link between one page to another page
either within a single site and between websites.
To create a hyperlink used <a> tag. Letter a meaning
"anchor". Tag <a> usually followed by the attribute
"href" where the value of this attribute is the address to
which pages.

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