Senin, 03 Desember 2012


History of the Prophet Muhammad:

Make the story of the Prophet Muhammad as our tauladah suri ...

in a tradition said to be the most arrogant people are a people who, when invited to berselawat him indifferent. well this is hopefully useful to Sodara all. When the light goes out in the world monotheism, the thick darkness enveloped almost reasonable. There was nothing left tauhid people except a few of the people who still maintain moral values
​​of monotheism. Then Allah wills to His glorious grace to send a messenger who brought the teachings of the sky to end the suffering in the midst of life. And when the eerie night, the sun came prophets. The arrival of the Prophet as proof terkabulnya prayer of Abraham beloved of Allah, and as evidence of the truth of good news delivered by Prophet Isa. Allah Almighty to Prophet salawatnya convey that, as a form of grace and blessing. The angels also deliver salawat to him as a form of praise and a request for forgiveness, while the believers bersalawat him as a form of respect. Allah says: "Verily Allah and His angels bersalawat to the Prophet. O ye who believe! Bersalawatlah you to respect the Prophet and say hello to him." (Surah al-Azhab: 56) Previous Allah sent His prophets as a mercy to the house and they just age, but Allah Almighty sent His Prophet as a mercy for the universe. He saw come with the absolute mercy for his time and for the entire day. Allah says, "And I did not sent you except as a mercy to the universe." The nature of the previous prophets mission is to spread Islam, as well as teachings brought by the last Prophet of Islam. He saw was Muhammad bin Abdillah bin Abdul Muttalib, the son of a woman of Quraish. He saw the leader of children Prophet Adam. He is a servant of Allah peace be upon him and His Messenger, and the grace of Allah Almighty granted to mankind. He had been born in Arabia. When it was dark night, suddenly Abdul Muttalib imagine that the sun rose, and then he turns up and finds himself in the middle of the night, the silence that surrounds extraordinary desert stretching. He headed for the door of the tent, and then watch the stars shine in the sky, and the world looks at the blanket with a dinner. He closed the door and sleeping tents. Not long ago, he was overpowered by extreme drowsiness, so he again dreamed a second time. Everything seemed clear of t s time, Surely something big ordered him to carry out a very important command, "Dig Zamzam!" In his dream Abdul Muttalib said:

Read more here the story of the Prophet Muhammad:

Now that our prophets, apostles us that Prophet Muhammad, may be useful for my friend all.

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