Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Contoh Membuat Proposal

A. Understanding Proposal
The proposal was drawn up plans for activities tertentu.Proposal also said that the plan outlined in the form kerja.Proposal plan clearly describe the work plan and the things needed.
B. Elements of Proposal
1. Background Belaknng
Writing background is clear and concise outline of the subject permasalahan.Misalnya "A junior high student council leadership training" briefly describes the background of student council and the activities carried out, the things encountered, and activities to be implemented by the management council is junior A .

Basis in the underlying proposal is that these activities should be carried out; example by decree principals, department heads, or other decision.

The purpose is the purpose of the proposal is tailored to the context kegiatan.Tujuan problems; example "to develop students' skills in leading and organizing an organization or association.

4. Benefit
The benefits of this activity participants will be able to organize such a good student council, and students are able to lead the council in accordance with the standards of ideal leadership.

5.Kegiatan and theme activities
Theme refers to the purpose and expectations of the end of the activity tersebut.Misalnya "Through our leadership training activities Increase Discipline Junior A '.

6. Problem Formulation
For example, the title of the proposal "A junior high student council leadership training", the formulation of the problem as posed is "Do the benefits of exercise on the development of OSIS OSIS keemimpinan Junior A?"

Intended target is who participate in the event. For example, all members of the student council.

When the planned start time until when.

9.Jadwal Implementation
The schedule is based on the time, type of activity, and the person handling activities.

10. Budget (Cost Implementation)
The budget is the cost of planned and will be used in the required kegiatan.Biaya broken down by type of activity and attention to price according to the activities performed.

11.PenutupPenutup contains conclusions, summaries, and expectations of what is delivered.
1. Similarly, proposals which we drafted, hopefully Mr approval.
2. For the help and support of Mr / Mrs. We say thank you.

12. Attachment
The appendices contain floor plans, graphics, or written evidence relating to kegiatan.Lampiran also lists the composition of the committee and other members.

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