Selasa, 27 November 2012



Poetry is the oldest form of literature. Enduring masterpiece like Mahabharata, Ramayana, and Wedatama composed in poetic form. A poem is a structure consisting of elements of development. Intrinsic Elements of a poem include the following.

1.) Themes
The main idea of
​​the poem either express or implied.

2.) Mandate or message
Something to say poet through his work.

3.) Taste or emotional
The touch feeling of writing in the form of satisfaction, surprise, sadness, anger or another.

4.) Diction
Choice of words used to express feelings in poetry.

5.) Rima
It is a beautiful poem in the form of repetition of sounds good beginning, middle and end.

6.) Majas
Is how the poet describes his thoughts through beautiful language style in the form of poetry.

                          TYPES OF PROSE

By the time the prose can be divided into 2 groups, among others:

1. Old Prose
That included a long prose, among others:
Myth: A myth that tells the stories of miraculous behavior with figures like gods, etc.
Legend: which tells the tale of a place
Fable: fairy tale characters are animals
Saga: the story of the Arab countries which tells a lot about the magic kings
Framed story: a story inside a story again spoken by perpetrators

2. New Prose
In the new prose has characteristics that can distinguish the old prose, these characteristics include:
Centric society, there is the author, reflecting the author's personal writing and dynamically according to the development of society.

Various kinds of new prose:
Roman: which tells the story of the main perpetrator of the minor to death. Roman reveals aspects of indigenous life of a society as a detailed and comprehensive workflow branching.
Novel: which tells the story of the perpetrators of the conflict that changed the way of life and ansib main actors.
Short story: a story that tells of the conflict actors but generally do not lead to changes in the fate of the main actors.

In prose there is an intrinsic element in it, the intrinsic elements include:
a) Themes
Themes are the principal issues raised as a frame story.
b) Mandate
Mandate in prose contains messages and advice from author
c) Background
Background is a picture of the place, time, and atmosphere as well as the social, cultural, economic, political, and so on used as the basis for the occurrence of an event.
d) Point of View
The point of view is the way the author puts himself in storytelling
e) figure, character, and characteristics
The depiction of the characters and character as antagonist and vice versa.
f) Plot / Plot
Flow is interwoven events connect-connect with each other to form the story.
g) Language Style
Characteristic or linguistic distinctiveness used by the authors include the use of language structure, use of the phrase, and word choice.
h) and Rima Rithmah

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