Selasa, 27 November 2012

Love me for GOD, do not love me because of sheer lust.

Love me for GOD, do not love me because of sheer lust.
:::::: ... Prayer for BOTH PARENTS .... ::::::

Ya Allah ..
Humble voice for them .. Perindahlah me off in front of them ..
Lunakkanlah my character to them and soften my heart for them ..
Ya Allah ..
Give them the best possible response, the education they were great to me and reward their favorite bestowed upon me, keep them as they kept me ..
Ya Allah ..
Any disruption or distress they have felt that they deritakan kerana me, or the loss of something they kerana right actions and make it all rontotnya cause of their sins and increase their reward kindness with perkenan_Mu O God, You alone are entitled to return good for evil doubled ..
Ya Allah ..
When magfirah_Mu has reached them before me, Let them give intercession for me. But if not, then let me give intercession for them, so we all gathered together in the residence with santunan_Mu shaded kemulian_Mu, ampunan_Mu and rahmat_Mu ..
Verily Thou art the Exalted has Kurnia and endless grace and loving thou among all loving.
Aamiin Yes Rabbal 'alamiin ..
Let us commemorate our sins to our parents ..
Who knew our lives in his deep sorrow rundung our iniquities ..
Because we suck strength, tears, sweat ..
Istighfarlah, Istighfarlah ..
Anyone whose eyes never cynical view of his parents ..
Or the words often mengghiris her, or who rarely care and mendo'akannya ..
Believe that the rebellious son siksanya in precedence in this world ..
Astaghfirrullah adzim thing,, I hope we are all children "who worship and remember the name of them in our every prayer-prayer, Aamiin, insha Allah.
May be useful

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