Selasa, 27 November 2012


Understanding and ways dribbling Basketball

           One of the interesting side of the game of basketball dribbling is done varying both the direction and the speed to break through the opponent and then memasukkaa ball into the basket. Many figures are created beginning with a good dribble and topped shots are accurate. Dribbling in principle to carry the ball with bounce-reflected with one hand made by walking or running. In connection with the dribble Arma Abdoellah (1981: 109) states, "dribble or dribbling is an attempt to bring the ball forward" Menuzut Vic Ambler (1990: 10) "dribbling the ball is bouncing-mantulkannya way". Another opinion expressed A. Sarumpaet Zulfar Djazet, Parno and Imam Sadikun (1992: 229) that, "dribble the ball is allowed only with the right hand or left alone and alternated between left and right hands.

            Based on the terms set forth dribbling three experts concluded that, dribble is a way to bring the ball forward with the ball bouncing on the floor with one hand or alternately either by walking or running. The most important and should be considered in order to protect the ball dribble the ball is not easily captured opponents. As stated Wissle It (2000: 95) that, "The ability mendribble with weak hand and strong hand is the key to improving your game. To protect the ball, keep your body in between the ball and the opposition. " In doing dribble body has an important role when the hand is used mendribble weak, the body serves to protect the ball. Therefore, when mendribble ball, the body must be between the ball and the opponent. This included, if the opponent would win the ball then the body is ready to obstruct opponents.

            How do the dribbling
Judging from the strategy and tactics of the game dribbling a basketball techniques to support a number. Many benefits can be obtained through the dribble. According Aip Syarifuddin and Muhadi (1991/1992: 174) that, "the purpose of dribbling adalak that (1) more quickly toward to the opponent in an attempt to put the ball into the opponent's basket, (2) is easier to infiltrate and break through the opponent's defense area, and to disrupt the opponent's defense and, (3) the game is not opposed to being developed, so the game becomes obstructed ".

            Many of the benefits derived from the dribble to get to the basket quicker opponent, to break through the opponent's defense, to control the game. But on the other hand, dribbling the ball in excess is not good for the sake of his team. As stated Wissel It (2000 95) that, "if you are dribbling too much, then the team is not likely to make it easier to move your opponent to block it". This means, dribbling the ball over the opponent will mcmudahkan to keep your teammates for not moving. Do not rule out the possibility of excessive dribble will easily captured opponents and the opponents will be able to counterattack.

            Dribble to do well if you master the technique properly. To obtain a good quality dribble then a player must understand and master the technique of dribble. Soebagio Hartoko (1993: 36) gives instructions how to dribble as follows:

    * Hold the ball with both hands relax, right hand on the ball, while your left hand to where lay the ball.
    * Stand casually left leg slightly in front of right foot
    * Lean forward from the waist and.
    * Start the reflected ball with his right hand (for starters you should still see the eyes of the ball).
    * Movement of the arm almost completely.
    * Do not hit the ball with the palm of the hand, but reflected (stress) with radius pergelaragan assisted with the movement of the hand.
    * Tame the ball with a slight movement upward retrace briefly with the fingers and wrists, then reflected back.
    * After the secret movement, character and rhythm of reflection can be felt (get the feeling) with attitude standing in place, memulailah to move forward.
    * Begin do not see the ball, and percepatlah motion.
    * Then leads to rather low, low, forward, rewind, as soon as possible, winding, winding with nntangan and opponents.

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