Selasa, 27 November 2012

Penjas, Psychotropic Substances | Narcotics

    Psychotropic Substances | Narcotics

1. Psychotropic
Substance / drug that can reduce brain activity or stimulate the central nervous system and cause behavioral abnormalities, accompanied by the onset of hallucinations (dreaming), illusion, impaired thinking, feeling and natural changes can lead to dependence and has the effect of stimulation (stimulated) for the users.
The types of psychotropic drugs including:
A. Ecstasy
Ecstasy is a drug that is made illegally in a laboratory in the form of tablets or capsules.
Ecstasy can make the wearer's body has more energy and can also dehydrate high. The results of which make our bodies to keep moving. Some people who take ecstasy were found dead from drinking too much water due to extreme thirst.
Ecstasy will encourage the body to perform activities that exceed the maximum limits of the power of the body itself. Drought body fluids may occur as a result of high exertion and old.
Effect caused by ecstasy users are:
Diarrhea, excessive thirst, hyperactivity, headaches and dizziness, uncontrollable shivering, rapid heart rate, and often, accompanied by nausea, vomiting or loss of appetite, restless / can not be silent, pale and sweating, dehydration, mood changes . Long-term consequences are addiction, impaired brain nerve, liver disorders, bone and teeth kropos.
Some ecstasy users who eventually died from drinking too much due to extreme thirst. These chemicals are harmful often mixed in ecstasy tablets or capsules. These substances cause the appearance of a reaction in the body. And in some cases, the reaction of these substances will cause death. Ecstasy users often need to take other medications to eliminate the adverse reactions to him. And this causes a rapid pulse, and will lead to paranoia and hallucinations.
Ecstasy is known as inex, I, buttons, etc..
B. Shabu-shabu
His real name methamphetamine. Shaped crystals such as sugar or spice flavoring dishes. Kind of, among others, gold river, coconut and crystals. Now there is in the form of tablets.
These drugs can be found in crystal form and the drug has no color maupaun odor, then it is called in other words the Ice. Shabu-shabu is also known by other nicknames such as: Glass, Quartz, Hirropon, Ice Cream.
These drugs also have a strong influence on the nerve.
Shabu-shabu wearer will always depend on the drug and will continue to last long, even experiencing heart problems or even death.
Consumed by burning on top of aluminum foil so that the flow from one end to the other end. Then the resulting smoke inhaled with a Bong (a type of pipe which contains water). Bong Water serves as a filter for filtering the smoke through the water at the time. There are some users who chooses to burn Sabu with a glass pipe for fear of long-term effects that may be caused by inhalation of aluminum foil.
The effects:
- Being excited
- Agitated and restless
- Can not sleep
- Not able to eat
- Long term: impaired brain function and could end up with the madness.
- Paranoid
- Lever disturbed
Symptoms of drug addicts who drop out:
- Fast furious
- Uneasy
- Fast tired
- Do not get excited / want to sleep on

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